Prof. Bernard Stiegler is a French philosopher. He is head of the 'Institut de recherche et d'innovation' (IRI), which he founded in 2006 at the 'Centre Georges-Pompidou'. He is also the founder in 2005 of the political and cultural group, Ars Industrialis, and the founder in 2010 of the philosophy school, His best known work is Technics and Time, 1: The Fault of Epimetheus. Stiegler's work is influenced by, among others, Sigmund Freud, André Leroi-Gourhan, Gilbert Simondon, Friedrich Nietzsche, Paul Valéry, Edmund Husserl, Martin Heidegger, Karl Marx, Gilles Deleuze, and Jacques Derrida. Key themes are technology, time, individuation, consumerism, consumer capitalism, technological convergence, digitization, Americanization, education and the future of politics and human society.
Outline of publications (in English):
(2016) Automatic Society, Volume 1: The Future of Work, Cambridge, Polity Press.
(2015) Symbolic Misery, Volume 2: The Catastrophe of the Sensible, Cambridge, Polity Press.
(2015) States of Shock: Stupidity and Knowledge in the 21st Century, Cambridge, Polity Press.
Prof. Joëlle Proust is a co-founder of several scientific societies. She presently works at Institut Jean-Nicod, Ecole Normale Supérieure in Paris. She was recruited in 1976 as a researcher at French Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS) in the domain of the history and philosophy of logic. Her comparative history of logical truth won her the CNRS bronze medal (Questions of Form, Minnesota Press, 1989). From 1990 on, Proust expanded her area of philosophical interest from logic to mind. She addressed the question of how to naturalize representational capacity. She then studied action awareness and the structure of mental agency. From 2010 to 2016, Proust was awarded an advanced grant by the European Research Council in order to study the sensitivity of children and adults to different epistemic norms such as intelligibility, truth, coherence, relevance and consensus. Among her recent works, notably for the Encyclopedia of Trans/Posthumanism (Vrin, 2015), Joëlle Proust has examined the scientific issues and ethical stakes raised by cognitive enhancement projects.
Outline of publications (in English) :
(2018) J. Proust & M. Fortier (Eds.), Metacognitive Diversity: Interdisciplinary approaches, Oxford, Oxford University Press (forthcoming).
(2017)“Non-human Metacognition”, in C. Andrews & J. Beck (Eds.), Routledge Handbook of Philosophy of Animal Minds, New York, Routledge, pp. 142-153.
(2016) “The evolution of communication and metacommunication in primates”, Mind and Language, 31, 2, 177-203.
(2015) “The representational structure of feelings”, in T. Metzinger & J. M. Windt (Eds.), OpenMind, Frankfurt am Main.
(2013) J. Proust, Philosophy of Metacognition: mental agency and self-awareness, Oxford, Oxford University Press.
(2012) “Amélioration cognitive” in G. Hottois & J.-N. Missa (Eds). L’Humain et ses préfixes : une encyclopédie de l’humanisme, du transhumanisme et du posthumanisme. Paris: Vrin, 197-206.
(2012), M. Beran, J. Brandl, J. Perner & J. Proust (Eds.), Foundations of Metacognition, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2012.
(1999) “Cognitive Theories of Mental Illness”, The Monist, n° 82, 4.
(2012) “Mental Acts as Natural Kinds”, in T. Vierkant, A. Clark, J. Kieverstein (Eds.), Decomposing the Will, Oxford, Oxford University Press.
(2011) “Cognitive Enhancement, Human Evolution and Bioethics, Journal international de bioéthique, vol. 23, n° 3-4, 149-169.
(2009) “What is a mental function?”, in A. Brenner & J. Gayon (Eds.), French Philosophy of Science, Boston Studies in the Philosophy of Science, New York, Springer, vol. 276, 227-253.
(2006) “Rationality and metacognition in non-human animals”, in S. Hurley & M. Nudds (Eds.), Rational Animals ?, Oxford, Oxford University Press., 2006, 247-274.
(2000) “Can radical theories of simulation explain mental concept acquisition?”, in J. Dokic & J. Proust (Eds), Simulation and Knowledge of action, Paris, Ecole Polytechnique, Bibliothèque du CREA, 2000, 387-435.
Prof. Stefan Lorenz Sorgner is a German metahumanist philosopher, a Nietzsche scholar, a philosopher of music and an authority in the field of ethics of emerging technologies, bioethics, and meta-, post- and transhumanism. He studied philosophy at King's College/University of London (BA), the University of Durham, the University of Giessen and the University of Jena (Dr. phil.; examiners: Wolfgang Welsch, Jena; Gianni Vattimo, Turin). Currently, Sorgner teaches philosophy at John Cabot University in Rome and is director and co-founder of the Beyond Humanism Network, Fellow at the Institute for Ethics and Emerging Technologies (IEET), Research Fellow at the Ewha Institute for the Humanities at Ewha Womans University in Seoul, and Visting Fellow at the Ethics Centre of the Friedrich-Schiller-University in Jena. He is also the Edito-in-Chief of the Journal of Posthuman Studies. Philosophy, Technology, Media.
Outline of publications (in English) :
(2017) « Genetic Privacy, Big Gene Data, and the Internet Panopticon », in Journal of Posthuman Studies: Philosophy, Media, Technology, Vol. 1, n° 1, 2017, 87-103.
(2017) « Immortality as Utopia and the Relevance of Nihilism », in Y. Tuncel (Ed.), Nietzsche and Transhumanism, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, Newcastle upon Tyne, 248-261.
(2017) « Nietzsche, the Overhuman, and Transhumanism », in Y. Tuncel (Ed.), Nietzsche and Transhumanism, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, Newcastle upon Tyne, 14-26.
(2017) « Philosophy as ‘Intellectual War of Values’, in R. Blackford, D. Broderick (Eds), Philosophy’s Future. The Problem of Philosophical Progress. Wiley/Blackwell, Hoboken/NY, 193-200.
(2016) « Perfecting Human Beings: From Kant and Nietzsche to Trans- and Posthumanism », in Trans-Humanities, vol 9, n°1, 41-61.
(2016) « The Future of Education: Genetic Enhancement and Metahumanities », in M. Johnson (Ed.), Fecund lacuna: Art, Archaeology, Genetics, Analogues Editions, Arles, 32-79.
(2016) « The Transhumanist Types of (Post)Human Perfection », in J. B. Hurlbut, H. Tirosh-Samuelson (Eds), Perfecting Human Futures: Transhuman Visions and Technological Imaginations, Springer, Wiesbaden, 141-157.
(2016) I. Dereti, S. L. Sorgner, From Humanism to Meta-, Post- and Transhumanism?, Peter Lang, New York.
(2014) R. Ranisch, S. L. Sorgner (Eds.), Post- and Transhumanism: An Introduction, Peter Lang, New York.
(2013) S. L. Sorgner, B-R. Jovanovic, (Eds.), Evolution and the Future: Anthropology, Ethics, Religion, Peter Lang, New York.
(2013) « Evolution, Education, and Genetic Enhancement », in S. L. Sorgner, B-R. Jovanovic (Eds.), Evolution and the Future: Anthropology, Ethics, Religion, Peter Lang, New York, 85-100.
(2013) « Human Dignity 2.0. Beyond a Rigid Version of Anthropocentrism », in Trans-Humanities, Vol. 6, n°1, 157-185.
Paul Jorion is visiting professor at the Catholic University of Lille, he is also a columnist at Le Monde-Économie, L’Écho and Trends-Tendances. He was once a member of the High Level Expert Group on the Future of the Belgian Financial Sector, also a member of Jacques Attali’s study group on the positive economy. . He is a Doctor in the Social Sciences from the Free University Brussels. He holds MAs in sociology and social anthropology. He’s lectured at the universities of Brussels, Cambridge, Paris VIII and at the University of California at Irvine. He was from 1984 to 1987 a United Nations Officer (FAO), working on development projects in Africa. Also an Artificial Intelligence researcher and developer at British Telecom (Connex project) from 1987 to 1990. Paul Jorion worked in the American financial world as a pricing specialist from 1998 to 2007. Prior to this he was at one time a trader on the futures markets in a French investment bank.
Outline of publications (in English) :
(1989) “Principes des systèmes intelligents”, Paris, Masson (English title: Intelligent Systems Principle).
(1999) Le secret de la chambre chinoise. In: L'Homme, 1999, tome 39 n°150. De la différence et de l'exlcusion. pp. 177-202 (English title : The Secret of The Chineese Room).
(2007) “Vers la crise du capitalisme américain?”, Paris, La Découverte, 2007 (English title: Are we Heading for a Crisis of American Capitalism?).
(2007) “Reasons vs. Causes: Emergence as experienced by the human agent”, eJournal of Anthropological and Related Sciences, vol. 2, avril.
(2008) “La crise. Des subprimes au séisme financier planétaire”, Paris, Fayard (English title: The Crisis. From Subprimes to Planetary Seism).
(2009) “Comment la vérité et la réalité furent inventées”, Paris, Gallimard (English title: How Truth and Reality Were Invented).
(2011) “L’insurrection numérique”, Paris, Textuel (English title: The Digital Insurrection).
(2014) “Comprendre les temps qui sont les nôtres”, Paris, Odile Jacob (English title: Understanding our Current Times).
(2014) “Penser l'économie autrement (with Bruno Colmant)”, Paris, Fayard, (English title: A Different Way of Thinking About Economy).
(2016) “Le dernier qui s'en va éteint la lumière”, Paris, Fayard (The Last One to Leave Turns Off the Light).
(2017) “Se débarrasser du capitalisme est une question de survie”, Paris, Fayard (English title: To Get Rid of Capitalism is a Matter of Survival).
(2017) “A quoi bon penser à l’heure du grand collapse ?”, Paris, Fayard (English title: What's the Point of Thinking at the Time of the Great Collapse?)